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Hello, I'm Darren Hankins. I'm a development professional with UI/UX and Full Stack experience. I've successfully managed projects from inception to completion with strong customer satisfaction. Known for having excellent communication skills and a willingness to continually learn and develop new technical skills.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

~ Leonardo da Vinci


UX UI experience utilizing wireframing, workflow sketching and user persona creation. Design tools experience includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and Visio.

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Responsive web design utilizing HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Angular. Full Stack development and Larvel framework experience along with MVC architecture familarity. Mobile development with Cordova utilizing Ionic Framework.

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Successfully designed, developed and published 20+ casual online games. Led successful Agri-Tourism venture including concept, development, marketing and operations management.

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Wireframing & Prototyping

Wireframing with Balsamiq

Quick wireframing structure built within Balsamiq. Click through to see interactive PDF.

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Prototyping with Sketch

Demo layout and design for a web hosting service. Click through to see interactive prototype.

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Galvanize Capstone Project

Capstone project for Galvanzie Immersive Web Development course. Full Stack utilizing Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Objection.js and Heroku on the backend. Angular, Javascript, Bootstrap and Firebase on the front end.

WebLab Capstone Project

Capstone project for WebLab Full Stack/Back End Development course consisting of 12 weeks and 192 hours in class.

Hankins Farms, LLC

Website created for a Agri-tainment venture. Client wanted to provide information about the activities at the event which included a corn maze, pumpkin patch and other fall activities for families. Wordpress was choosen as the CMS for ease of updating.

A Good Hair Day

Website created for local hair stylist. HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap hosted on Firebase.

Personal Website

Portfolio website created to post personal projects. Site map and wireframing created in Balsamiq.

Tuliva Capstone Project

Responsive website utilizing bootstrap to easily maneuver through a Directory of Colorado Craft Breweries and their beers.